Lutheran Hour Ministries

Kansas District 
Lutheran Laymen's League

2012 - 2013 LLL Kansas District Project
Financial aid for Kansas District students attending an LCMS synodical school or seminary, preparing for full-time church work. $ 26,000
Recognition Dinner for 4th year students at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis 1,000
Argentina Ministry Office 2,250
Overseas Bible Corespondence Courses 2,250
The Lutheran Hour Float in the Tournament of Roses Parade 500
Kansas Lutheran Family Retreat 1,000
Total $ 33,000

Any amount received over the goal will be designated for additional financial aid to Kansas District students who are preparing for full-time church work.

2012 - 2013 LLL Kansas District Project Report
     The contributions to the 2012-13 Kansas District LLL Project with a goal of $33,000 was only about $30,000.  This is a $7,000 drop from the 2010-2011 District Project when over $37,000 in contributions were received.  With about $3,000 of carryover funds from the closing out of the LLL Kansas District Endowment Fund last year, the LLL Kansas District is able to fund the $33,000 goal.

     The Kansas District Board of Governors at their August meeting proposed to keep the 2013-2014 Kansas District LLL Project budget goal at $33,000.  All of the distributions from the Kansas District Endowment Fund have been expended.  In order to meet the $33,000 goal, more contributions from our fellowship groups, congregations and members must be encouraged.  Most of our District Project funds are raised from pancake feeds and soup supper events and special door offerings.

     The first half of the $26,000 budgeted for financial aid for students studying for full time church work has been distributed.  Following are other budget items of the 2012 - 2013 LLL Kansas District Project: LHM Seminarian Dinner - $1,000, LHM Argentina Ministries - $2,250, LHM Overseas Bible Correspondence Courses – $2,250, LLL Rose Bowl Parade Float - $500, LLL/LWML Kansas Lutheran Family Retreat - $1000.

Kansas District Project Contributions at Work in Argentina
     LHM – Argentina held Project JOEL events during the months of June, July and August, 2013.  A total of 145 youth participated in these events.  Many of the participants expressed enthusiasm and desire to continue growing in these activities.

Prayer Request

     Pray for blessings for Horacio and the young people he is reaching; pray for the ministry center director, staff and volunteers as they continue to bring the message of Christ to the communities of Argentina.  Pray that the youth ministry, Project JOEL, continues to help these youth to grow in their faith and grow with Christian values in all they do.

2012 - 2013 LLL Kansas District Project Committee
Office Officer's Name Spouse's Name
Chairman Carroll Hackbart Barbara
Committee Member Ken McCosh Lylah
Committee Member Norbert Stigge Lorna

Page updated: 2023-09-26