Lutheran Hour Ministries

Kansas District 
Lutheran Laymen's League

2024 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

Sunday, September 8, 2024, 10:00 AM

Peoples Bank and Trust Arena

Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, Kansas

View fairground map.


Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler -

Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler


Lutheran Hour Ministries

     Start your attendance at the fair on September 8 with praise and prayer to the almighty yet loving and gracious God.  Start your day at the fair by listening to an uplifting message of hope that applies to your life and the challenges you face.

To make suggestions about, to volunteer to assist with or to request information about the worship service,

2023 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     The 2023 LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service was held on September 10, 2023, at 10:00 AM.  It was attended by approximately 100 people.  An offering of $669.10 was collected at the end of the service.

     Rev. Justin Panzer, the President of the Kansas District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, officiated at the service.  Basing his sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:16-31, Rev. Panzer asked the attendees to imagine a people of God deeply divided about which apostle to follow.  This was the issue that faced the Corinthian church.  Paul's letter seeks to show that Christians do not follow the wisdom of men because salvation is attained through Jesus Christ and Christ alone.  These verses explain that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.  To those who are saved, it is the power of God.

     Rev. Panzer asked why crucifixion was used to fulfill God's promise of a savior.  This, too, defies the wisdom of the age.  This form of execution was reserved for the most sinful of men, and God used it to allow Christ to take on all the sins of the world.  The crucified Christ reveals the power and wisdom of God, and His people are an aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

     God tells us that His thoughts are not our thoughts.  Our pride gets in the way of our devotion to God, and we, just as the Corinthians, end up following men or our own feelings rather than depending on the Word of God.  We are called to repent and return to humble beginnings as children of God.  We are called by the Grace of God, and nothing we do deserves salvation.

     God belongs to the meek, and we are His people whom He has called to faith.  On the cross, Jesus took all our sin and exchanged it for our salvation.  We are, therefore, called to share the Gospel, to be His salt and light in this divided world.  We are sons and daughters of the King! Rejoice in the sacrifice of Christ!

     Rev. Michael Zeigler, the Lutheran House Speaker, for the 2024 LLL Kansas State Fair worship service on September 8, 2024.  There will be a meet-and-greet reception at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hutchinson during the evening before the woship service.

Tom Stanton, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Chairperson   

2022 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     The 2022 LLL Kansas State Fair Church Service was held at the People's Bank and Trust Arena at 10:00 A.M. on September 11.  The service was officiated by Pastor Dennis Kootz of Trinity Lutheran Church, Salina.  The Trinity choir, directed by Wanda Unruh, performed during the service, and presented pre-service music for those attending.  The service was attended by 133 people on a beautiful fall Sunday morning.  The Kansas District LLL provided a Project Connect display stand to make Project Connect booklets available to those attending.  An offering of $452.50, was collected for the ongoing ministry that is the LLL Kansas State Fair Church Service.

     Pastor Kootz delivered a message of hope and confidence as he recognized the significance of being at the Fair on the anniversary of the terrorist attack on our country.  He commemorated the anniversary of 9/11 by sharing in his message about where to place our hope in troubling times like that day.  Many of us were all shaken.  Some were shaken to the core by the events on 9/11/2001.  Many were wondering if God was still in control.  Pastor Kootz shared with the group of 133 gathered there, that when life seems upside down, the LORD is still with us, keeping us firmly in His hands.  Through Psalm 8, we see this as King David looked around and saw how God's majestic name was proclaimed throughout all the things around him.  King David looked to the heavens with the stars, all of God's creation throughout the world, and finally David points to little ones who also proclaim God's name.  Pastor Kootz added one more to David's list of where we can turn and see God is in control, that His name is majestic and that's through Jesus.  Jesus came and died and rose again from the dead to proclaim His power over even our greatest foes: sin and death.  So, no matter what violence and chaos is happening in our world today, we can say and proclaim along with King David: O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

     Pastor Kootz encouraged us to have faith in Christ even in the face of the pain and suffering that this world constantly inflicts on us.  Our God is the same yesterday, today, and always, and He is the answer to the cares of the world.  He offers us the only path to salvation.

Tom Stanton, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2021 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     The Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League was pleased to sponsor a church service at the Kansas State Fair on September 12, 2021.  Pastor Tom Harmon of Risen Savior LCMS Church, Wichita, Kansas, conducted the service and preached to sermon.  The Christ-centered message was well received by those attending.  We pray that Pastor Harmon's inspired sermon made a true difference in the lives of those present.

     The Risen Savior Praise Band presented the music.  Pre-service music preformed by the band brought in many fair attendees, who took time to make worship a priority, even at the fair.  The crowd was estimated at about 125.  The Holy Spirit blessed all those present.

     A Project Connect tract rack, purchased with Merle Lietz memorial funds, was set up at the entrance of the venue to give attendees further access additional Christian resources.

     An offering was collected, and attendees gave $350 to help support our continued efforts to bring Christ to the Kansas State Fair.

Tom Stanton, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

     The Kansas State Fair was cancelled in 2020 because of the danger that COVID-19 virus infections might be transmitted among the fair attendees.  Consequently, the Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League worship service did not occur at the Kansas State Fair in September 2020.

2019 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     The Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League again hosted the Sunday morning worship service at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.  The service was a great opportunity for those attending the fair to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the midst of the all the hustle and bustle of the Kansas State Fair.

     The worship service was held September 8, 2019, a beautiful Sunday morning.  Those helping with the service arrived at 9:00 A.M. to begin setting up the stage at the Bretz and Young Arena on the state fairgrouns.  The LLL banner was hung, the Kansas State Fair staff set up the microphones needed to spread the Word of God, and the chairs and piano were set up for the choir.  As the choir practiced, people began to take their seats for the worship service.

     We began with a hymn sing including "Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice", "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus", and "Take My Life and Let It Be".  The worship service began at 10:00 A.M. with the Hymn of Invocation "A Mighty Fortress is Our God".  Pastor Quentin Nuttmann, Senior Pastor of Our Redeemer LCMS Church in Hutchinson, officiated at the service and read the Old Testament lesson (Deuteronomy 30:15-20), the Epistle lesson (Philemon 1:1-21) and the Gospel lesson (Luke 14:25-34).  The choir of Our Redeemer LCMS Church in Hutchinson sang the choir anthem "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing".  We enjoyed the hymn of the day "I am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus".

     Pastor Nuttmann gave a terrific sermon covering law, Gospel, and application for our lives.  He urged all those in attendance to go our into their communities and spread the Gospel of Jesus as a result of their experiences at the fair.  The pastor's inspiring words left everyone renewed in the own relationship with our Loving God, and gave us a sense of urgency in spreading the Good News of Christ's Saving Grace to those we contact on a daily basis.

     Pastor Nuttmann led us in the Apostle's Creed, prayers, and the Lord's Prayer.  He sent us on our way with the Benediction and the singing of the hymn "Sent Forth by God's Blessings".

     Attendance at the worship service was 125, and a free will offering of $480 was received.  Thank you all who worked to plan and present the LLL worship service in 2019.

     I am excited about the Gospel outreach opportunities presented by this annual worship service.  Although I was not able to investigate publicity possibilities in 2019, I hope to do so in the future.  This is a unique ministry opportunity granted to this organization.  Please pray for this ministry, for those who are dedicated to see this work continue, and for those within our communities who benefit eternally from the Word presented at this worship service in the future.

Tom Stanton, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2018 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     The Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League again hosted the worship service at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.  So you can worship the Lord then enjoy the Fair.

     It’s Sunday morning, September 9. As a Christian what do you do?  You go to church.

     It’s almost 10:00 AM.  People are arriving, and people are enjoying the opening hymn sing with Barbara Guey at the keyboard.  Songs like “Jesus Loves Me” and “I am Jesus’ Little Lamb” drifted over the fair grounds.

     The service began with the singing of the hymn “Open Now the Gates of Beauty”.  Pastor Peter Lange, President of the LCMS Kansas District, then opened with the confession, absolution and the Apostle’s Creed.  Layman Tom Stanton read the Old Testament Lesson from Isaiah 62:1-7.  Isaiah tells the children of Israel to not be silent about the Lord’s righteousness.  The Epistle reading was from Romans 10:5-14.  St. Paul writes that everyone who calls on the Lord will be saved.  The choir from Our Redeemer, Hutchinson sang “Amazing Grace.”

     The reading of the Gospel by Pastor Lange was Luke 24:44-53.  Here Jesus reminds His disciples that His life must be fulfilled.  He will suffer, die and rise again.  We are to tell everyone of this.

     The Sermon was given by Pastor Lang with greetings from the Kansas District Staff and was based on the Gospel text.  Prayers for the nation, church workers, the LLL/LHM, especially Pastor Michael Zeigler, the new Lutheran Hour speaker, followed by the Lord’s Prayer were given by Ronald Bott.

     The choir sang.  Pastor Lange gave the closing benediction.

     Approximately 160 people attended the worship service.  An offering of $486 was collected from the worshipers.  Many thanks to all who participated and helped in anyway with the worship service.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2017 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     For the fifteenth year, the Kansas District Lutheran Laymen's League hosteed a worship service at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.  The weather cooperated nicely in the morning for the 10:00 AM start.  At 9:40 AM the retired Rev. LeRoy Pralle was good to go.  The choir and director Barbara Geuy all from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hutchinson, was ready.  Ronald Bott lead the hymn sing.  As more people arrived for worship the readings for the day were Romans 13:1-10, Ezekiel 33:7-9, and the Gospel reading, Matthew 18:1-20.  The choir responded with "A Faithful Shepherd is My Lord".  The message by Rev. Pralle was on the Gospel.  Pastor recalled talking to people about sheep and how dumb and, sometimes, really stupid they can be.  People are that way also but God overlooks and forgives these things.  He sent His Son Jesus to suffer and die for all our sinces.

     There were 180-190 in attendance.  The offering was close to $1,000 and went to the Orphan Grain Train as there was a matching fund for hurricane victims.

     Thanks to all tht helped with the service and secretary Sue for putting the worship folder together.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2016 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     Numerous people planned for over a year for the weekend of September 10 and 11, 2016.  I did not hear a negative comment, even the Kansas weather cooperated.  So what happened?  If you missed the events, let me describe the weekend to you.

     Saturday evening 50-60 people met at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hutchinson, to Meet and Greet the Lutheran Hour Speaker, Rev. Gregory Seltz.  He told of his life before becoming the Lutheran Hour speaker, of his life as speaker, and answered questions from those attending.  Polly Gregali, from Lutheran Hour Ministries staff, was on hand to answer questions and provided materials for people to pick up.  A lunch was served by members of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.     

     Sunday morning was quiet and cool.  Pastor Seltz was the speaker, Sheila Stuenkel was the organist; Martha Hornbostel was the choir director, and Pastor Gene Holtorf was the liturgist.  We cannot forget that Polly Gregali handed out materials and answered questions.  The service was preceded by hymn sing. The hymns “Come Thou Almighty King”, "Praise to the Lord the Almighty”, “Before You Lord We Bow”, Jesus Loves Me”, and “Crown Him with Many Crowns” were sung.   The worship service opened with the hymn “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now”.  The scripture readings were Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, and Luke 16:1-15.  The mixed choir from Zone 7, around 30 in number, sang the hymns “A Song of Fellowship” and “Oh, Bless the Lord My Soul.  Pastor Seltz delivered the message, which urged Christians to share their faith and to be a bold witnesses.  The choir closed with the choral benediction “The Lord Bless You and Keep You”.

     Approximately 315 persons attended the worship service; the offering amounted to over $1,600.  The District Board expresses its sincere appreciation to all of those volunteers who contributed their own time, effort, and money to plan and bring to pass the Meet and Greet event on Saturday, September 10, 2016, and the worship service on Sunday, September 11, 2016.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2015 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     What a perfect way to start our day at the Kansas State Fair to worship our God.  The service began with the hymn sing while people were still arriving.  Pastor Scott Snow led us in reading Psalm 100—Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  The congregation sang "There is a Name I Love to Hear" followed by the reading of Deuteronomy 30:15-20.  The choir from Holy Cross, Wichita sang "I Am Bound for the Kingdom."  Pastor Snow based his message on John 1:26-34.  His theme was "God’s Most Wonderful Surprise".  The service continued with prayers, the Lord's Prayer and the Benediction.  The service closed with singing "How Great Thou Art." 

     Many thanks to Pastor Snow, the choir, Teresa Hauschild, choir director, Deb Snow on the keyboard and anyone who helped with the service.  A special thanks to the 259 people who attended the service.      

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2014 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     For the 11 or 12 years that the Kansas District LLL has hosted the worship service at the Kansas State Fair, I always prayed that the worship leader, the choir, the organist, and a good number of people show up.  So when Pastor Scott Snow, Teresa Hauschild and the choir, Deb Snow, all these from Holy Cross, Wichita and the people started arriving, I was relieved.

     With the singing of the hymns "God Bless Our Native Land", "Crown Him With Many Crowns", and "Amazing Grace", the crowd kept growing.  Now we were warmed up to begin the service with reading Psalm 100, "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!".  Then we sang "This Little Gospel Light of Mine". (It is fun to see Lutherans and others get a little animated in a church setting, really we did.)  The reading from Deuteronomy 30: 15-20, GOD commands us to love the Lord, walk in His ways, and keep His commands, and GOD will bless us.  The choir sang the hymn "For a Closer Walk With God".  The sermon was on Matthew: 5:13-16.  We are to be the salt and light FOR the world.  In ancient times salt was valuable and sometimes used as currency.  So the WORD is valuable today.  We know how light or lack of light can change our attitude or day.  Many people around are really in the dark and we have the light, the message of salvation for them.  The Lord's Prayer and the benediction and the singing of the hymn "How Great Thou Art" closed the service.

     With people coming and going we counted 230 to 250 at the service.  Thanks to all that attended and helped with the service and we will ee you September 13, 2015.  Tell all that you see and bring your friends to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2013 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     With the late surge of summer heat the question was—How many will brave the heat and be at the Kansas State Fair?—in particular the worship service Sunday, September 8, 2013.  This concern was put to rest as the bleachers began to fill during the opening hymn sing of “God Bless Our Native Land”, “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, and “Amazing Grace”.

      Pastor Scott Snow, Holy Cross, Wichita led the service.  His message was on Mark 14: 1-9, 14-20 with the question—What kind of soil are you?  Is the seed, your faith, placed on hard soil or pavement, where there is little chance for growth or, worse, where your faith dies?  Our prayer should be that our faith is placed in good soil where, with the Holy Spirit, our faith grows strong, and we are able to share our faith with others who are not believers.  The Lord expects our faith to be strong and increase, and we cannot keep this increase to ourselves.  With the programs and activities of the Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries we can share our faith with our neighbors or co-workers and those in other countries.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2012 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     For the eleventh consecutive year, the Kansas District of the Lutheran Laymen’s League sponsored a worship service at the Kansas State Fair.  The Lutheran Hour Ministries worship service commenced at 9:00 AM on Sunday, September 9, 2012 in the Bretz Law Arena on the Kansas State Fairgrounds.  Is there a more beautiful way to begin day at the fair than with a worship service.

     The service commenced with the singing of hymns "God Bless Our Native Land", "Crown Him with Many Crowns", and "Amazing Grace".  Reverend Scott Snow, Kansas District LLL Pastoral Advisor, began the worship service by reading Psalm 100, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord".  Pastor Snow delivered a sermon based on Mark 2:1-12 in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.  These verses tell the story of the lowering of a paralyzed man through a hole in the roof of a house by his friends, who sought his healing by Jesus.  Pastor Snow encouraged all Christians to display the same determination as did the paralyzed man's friends for the greater purpose of healing the mortal wounds of men's and women's sins.  He enjoined his listeners to work resolutely to communicate God's plan of salvation and forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ Jesus' death and resurrection to all men and women in Kansas, in the United States, and throughout the Earth.

     Between 240 and 250 persons attended the worship service and contributed more than $500 to the Lutheran Laymen's League Kansas District Project.

     Sincere appreciation is extended to Pastor Snow for his message of encouragement and to the choir and music leaders from Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Wichita for contributing their beautiful voices and music in joyous praise to God.  Thanks are also expressed to all other individuals who contributed their talents and efforts to the organization and conduct the 2012 Lutheran Hour Ministries Kansas State Fair worship service.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2011 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     For the tenth consecutive year, the Kansas District of the Lutheran Laymen’s League sponsored a worship service at the Kansas State Fair.  The Lutheran Hour Ministries worship service commenced at 10:00 AM on Sunday, September 11, 2011 in the Bretz Law Arena on the Kansas State Fairgrounds.  Prior to the service there was a hymn sing.  Reverend Mark Frith, Kansas District Assistant to the President for Missions and Stewardship, officiated at the worship service and preached the sermon.  Rev. Frith's sermon was based on Matthew 18:21-35 in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.  This text relates Jesus' message that men and women should be willing to forgive their fellow beings who have sinned against them, reflecting God's unlimited compassion to forgive the sins committed by human beings against the Heavenly Father.  Rev. Frith exhorted the listeners to remember the overwhelming debt that God has forgiven each repentant believer should the situation arise in which the hurt of multiple and/or repeated offenses give pause to that person's willingness to grant the perpetrator's penitent request for forgiveness.

     A choir from Risen Savior Lutheran Churh in Wichita, Kansas sang the hymns "If We Ever Needed the Lord", "Down By the Riverside", and "Changed".  The choir was directed by Valerie Mack.  Playing the keyboard was Sara Chambers.

     Approximatel 280 persons attended the worship service and contributed $572 to the Lutheran Laymen's League Kansas District Project.

     Many thanks are extended to all of those individuals and churches who contributed their talents and efforts to organize and conduct the 2011 Lutheran Hour Ministries Kansas State Fair worship service.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2010 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     For the ninth consecutive year, the Kansas District of the Lutheran Laymen’s League sponsored a worship service at the Kansas State Fair.  The Lutheran Hour Ministries worship service commenced at 10:00 AM on Sunday, September 12, 2010 in the Bretz Law Arena on the Kansas State Fairgrounds.  After a short hymn sing, Reverend Richard Rikli, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Linn, Kansas, officiated at the worship service and preached the sermon.  His message was based on the parable of the one lost sheep in Chapter 15 of the Gospel of Luke.  Rev. Rikli encouraged Christians to seek those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior and to share with them the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Rev. Rikli urged Christians to persistently reach out and encourage those have heard the Gospel but may have lost their way because they have strayed from God's Word.  Rev. Rikli spoke of the joy that the Lord expresses when a lost soul repents and returns to the flock.

     A mixed choir of 28 members from Zone 7, led by Mr. Neil Kurtz, sang "Majesty" and "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name".  Mrs. Sheila Stuenkel, member of St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, Kansas, shared her skills on the keyboard.

     Between 225 and 250 persons attended the worship service and contributed $408.23 to the Lutheran Laymen's League Kansas District Project.

     Many thanks are extended to all of those individuals and churches who contributed their talents and efforts to organize and conduct the 2010 Lutheran Hour Ministries Kansas State Fair worship service.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

2009 Kansas State Fair Worship Service

     The Kansas State Fair worship service on Sunday, September 13, 2009, was hosted by the Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League.  The service began with a hymn sing.  Reverend Seth Meyer, pastoral advisor for the Kansas District Lutheran Laymen’s League, led the worship service.  His message, which was based on Chapter 3 of the Epistle of James, addressed the dangers of the tongue when used in the wrong way.  Reverend Meyer encouraged Christians to use their tongues to share their faith by means of their personal witness and by means of the Lutheran Hour Ministries programs.

     Many thanks are extended to the children of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Canton, Kansas, for sharing their gift of song.  Many thanks are also extended to Mrs. Brenda Vogts for her direction of the choir and to Mrs. Dayna Lange for her keyboard musicianship.

     Approximately 270 persons attended the worship service and contributed $413 to the Kansas Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Ron Bott, LLL Kansas State Fair Worship Service Coordinator   

State Fair Worship Service Volunteers
Volunteer Title Volunteer Name Send e-mail
2019-2024 Coordinator Tom Stanton
2023 Preacher Rev. Justin A. Panzer
2022 Preacher
2019-2023 Pastor Advisor
Rev. Dennis Kootz
2021 Preacher Rev. Tom Harmon --
2019 Preacher Rev. Quentin Nuttmann
2002-2018 Coordinator Ron Bott
2017-2018 Music Director Barbara Geuy --
2018 Preacher Rev. Peter Lange
2017 Preacher Rev. LeRoy Pralle --
2014-2018 Pastoral Advisor Rev. Scott Snow

Page updated: 2024-01-25